
As I have said in another thread, Roland's Job was never to enter the Tower but to save it. Well he did it but had to totally sacrifice everything to get the job done. Gan took mercy on him and sent him back to a time where he could find personal salvation by saving Jake and being with the others. But wait you say if he does that then how can he then save the Tower. Ummmmm well remember the Tower is the Keystone world and only travels one way, no going back in time. The world Roland went to upon entering that door could NOT have been the Keystone world. Therefore anything he does will NOT affect the Tower because he has already saved it in the "real time line" Roland with the aid of the horn will come to understand this, thus he can save Jake, he can keep them all alive and together.

I would like to say that I don't think any of your ideas are wrong, in fact they are all correct, how can that be you ask? Well the way King ended the story he lets us all wright our own personal ending to Roland's journey. I was certainly NOT happy with the last book, but the way the story ended could NOT be better. He let each and everyone of us decide Roland's fate. For that Mr. King I say Thank You!