Tapatalk is an app (free) for android and iOS, that is specialized for boards like this.

It delivers what you could call an own frontend, like a responsive theme would do, but without the hustle to create and test one,
accessing the same data.

The only thing that it needs is an API that the app can talk to , and thats the plugin that you would need to install.
This doesn't effect the page itself in anyway, it just gives the app the possibility to act with the board.

So what you get is an app on your mobile, tested and optimized for reading & writing, plus messaging , so the main parts of
the board , without that the host (thats you) has to adapt anything on the core page.

You have (if you want) push notification for new posts, and messages and especially, not this crazy small screen and impossible to click buttons ;D

So long story short.
Install the plugin, download the app and have an optimized mobile access to tdt.org without touching the core website
update the whole platform , find and install a responsive theme and spend a month testing, adapting all parts that are custom made

Downside - you need the app
Upside, you might find new members of the board through the app community.

i love it especially for messaging, so if i get a pm while on the road it`s 100x more comfortable to answer via the app