I like this point. When I first saw the post I thought "True love for sure". Jean made a wonderful point and so did you. In the back of my mind though, I am still slightly pushed towards the True Love option for some of the same reasons. I have been with my wife for almost 16 years now. When we first met, it was True love at first sight. I realize that this feeling I had would have come to me regardless of who I as with (A teenage boy will fall in love with a beautiful girl 9 times out of 10 in my estimation). I think the difference between whether it is hot but light or deep and ever lasting has to depend on the beholder. Self actualization and the ability to understand yourself and what you feel is important at that specific time (regardless of whether it is true or not, it is still love). I don't think this can be answered to be honest. If Susan didnt die and they left the Mejis as they had planned and went back to Gilead and the story continued, we could have possibly been able to answer this question. Having the story of their love cut off so soon means that we will never know for sure. In Roland's mind it was true and everlasting and I don't think Mr King wanted us to see it any other way. Like with my wife (retrospect), there are times when I don't love her every minute of every day. But in the end, my love is everlasting and regardless of circumstance it can never be taken away. Not sure I like what I just wrote here.. I think I am still on the fence, but what the hell, hitting the post button anyways