Quote Originally Posted by obscurejude View Post
For me, the urgent tone to SoS makes it a distinctly transitional book in the series. The other DT books stand better alone as distinct entities in and of themselves. SoS basically sets the stage for the final novel. Its not the type of book I would read on its own, but only in the service of preparing myself for the final chapter of the series. Susannah is my least favorite character as well (but probably not to the extent of Cozener).
Quote Originally Posted by R_of_G View Post

Good point Jude. It makes a decent re-read because it is so fast-pace, but it's near impossible to not read #7 next because it just leaves you hanging there. I do still enjoy it if only for the wealth of metaphysical stuff that gets explained in there [particularly Mia's explanation of things arising from the Prim]. It doesn't stand alone well, certainly not as books like W&G and Wolves do as almost self-contained entities.

Just admit it guys, you hate Susannah's character because she's black.