King is such a good story teller that when I read his books I can be really drawn into the story, it is like I am in the story, the real world vanish and I become part of his created world.

Let's take the DT VII, Roland only has one of his guns after Suze goes through the door to meet up with Eddie and Jake and "live happily ever after." Yet when Roland is hiding behind the ruins as the King tosses Snitches (sp) he thinks he can handle them as long as the King tosses no more then 12 Snitches, since he only has one "six shooter" and really only one good hand shouldn't he be worried about the King tossing more then 6?

YES I know this is so minor a point that it is laughable and affects the story in NO way. Yet it yanks me out of Roland's world, it is like someone jarring me out of a very vivid daydream.

Don't ask me why my brain works the way it does, I mean I am so engrossed in the story how the heck can such a trivial fact jar me out of it? But it does and it distracts from my pleasure of reading such a fine story. Considering there are many such instances of this happening throughout the series it is bothersome to me.

I put most of the blame on the editor, it is their JOB to make sure things like that get cleaned up and they did a very poor job of it.