Quote Originally Posted by ATG View Post
Ok, sorry to double post, but jeez now I am seriously annoyed.

Mr. Vincent on page 87 of your book, in a section dedicated to The Waste Lands you spill the beans that
Oy is killed by Morten!

Now I have to put your book aside until the I finish reading the series as no doubt there are other spoilers.

I'm curious, why did you feel the need to go there, and does it seem a flaw to you to give away important details taking place at the end of the series in a section regarding book three ?!?

Still A Fan But Seriously Annoyed.
I issued a warning in the book's opening pages that there would be serious spoilers from the onset. The Road to the Dark Tower is not intended for anyone who has yet to read all seven books. There's no way to discuss all the nuances of The Gunslinger, for example, without delving into the book's finale. My intention is to act as a tour guide, pointing out things people might have missed, and primary among these is the way King foreshadowed important events. Can't do that without revealing the thing being foreshadowed, which, perforce, takes place later in the series.

The only safe chapter to read if you haven't read all seven books is Chapter One, the chapter about the series' publication history.