Quote Originally Posted by Letti View Post
So we just live and the soul we have and ka do everything? Or how does it work?
If I am the same everywhere it doesn't matter or make any difference if I am an alcoholic or if I am a nun... what's life about?
Searching (whether through science or faith) maybe? Exploring the great big world and trying to be a better you? Who knows? Nobody! Whatever the truth is I doubt we'll ever really know. Does it matter how you are? Of course it does...at least subjectively...and to those around you...which manifests itself subjectively on you. If there's a god or not you don't behave any differently I don't think. Your reward (possibly your only one) is how you are defines who you are. Is experience a factor? Of course it is, but say another you in some alternate universe had some infinitesmal piece of who you started out as...if they had similar experiences might they not be similar to you? Not the same, just similar. Would they actually be you? No, but they might just be close enough for someone who missed and longed for you. Maybe, that's why Susannah chose to go after this Jake and Eddie. Or maybe they were the same. I don't know.