Quote Originally Posted by To The Dark Tower Came View Post
I've been to a lot of Trek conventions (shut up, my mom says I'm cool) and met or heard most of the TOS and TNG cast. One of the best stories is from Marina Sirtis who plays Deanna Troi talking about character development. There's an episode where Deanna gets space-pregnant and the crew is discussing her space-baby. Well, Worf votes for aborting the baby.

She goes on to talk about that in following episodes that she would frown at Worf in-character to the point where Michael Dorn came up to he after three or four tapings and said he'd noticed this happening. And she told him "Well my character hates your's now because you wanted to kill her baby!"

None of it ever made it to a single show, but talk about trying to make depth...lol.
HAHAHAAHAHAHA mmmmmmmmm, Deanna Troi TASTY!!!! and an empath to boot!!!!