Holy Crap! Thanks for the heads-up- I've been clicking that (previously) dead link on the Centipede site for weeks now, waiting for any info. This looks like the epitome of what limited edition publishing should be all about. I absolutely LOVE the fact that there is exactly ONE PERFECT EDITION, and Jerad's comments explaining why warm my heart to no end. I've advocated this very idea (one edition, the best you can make) for years on every damn message board and soapbox I could find- and am always disappointed by the collective "...uhhh, but what about a "lettered" edition?" Dho! This is one of my top 5 favorite novels of all time, and as harsh a critic as I always am on what passes for overpriced limited editions nowadays- I could not be more impressed and elated. Jerad is laying down the f*@#ing gauntlet (no pun intended, *cough*) on what the small press is all about!
