I've read the first two and think taht they are amazing. I have just been too busy with school to read teh others. I need to get them in audiobook so that I can just listen to them at work.

Most of the stuff with Daenerys Targaryen actually kind of bores me, though some of it is entertaining.

The Greyjoys are somewhat boring to me as well, but that may just be because I hate Theon Greyjoy so much.

Tyrion Lannester is probably my favorite character to follow, though somewhere in my heart, I think I still root for the Starks to come out on top, which most people probably do.

I think this series probably has more characters in it than any series that i have ever read. Look at this, it is insane to see all of them listed in one place: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of...f_Ice_and_Fire

I think the insane number of characters is the hardest obstacle for new readers to overcome. I have found that they audiobooks make it a lot easier to keep track or who is who.