Quote Originally Posted by cupofcoffee View Post
I didn't end up liking the real Susan as much as my mental image, sadly. I was disappointed that she and Roland crossed paths when they were so ridiculously young. It kind of lessens the idea of Roland's continuing grief—yes, it's heartbreaking what happened to Susan, but I find it kind of hard to believe that it's a thousand years later he's still in love with the girl he spent a few months fucking when he was a teenager.
(emphasis mine) You say true, I say thankya. I think Roland was/is more "in love" with the idea of Susan and being in love than he actually was/is in love with Susan herself. Her untimely demise got tied up into a whole lot of other drama, and I think that's why it still cut at Roland for so long. If Susan wasn't associated with the fight, the grapefruit, the matricide, etc, then he may have been able to let go more easily.