Quote Originally Posted by Steelrat View Post
Of course Eddie and Odetta/Detta/Susanah would have ended up together. It's obvious, to me anyway, that Eddie suffered 'love at first sight', or close to it. He falls in love with her so quickly in the book, and the same can be said of her.
While I think that was very much the case with Eddie, I got the impression it was a slower process for Odetta/Susannah. I think it happened quickly but I don't really think it was Love at first sight for her. I also get the impression later that he loves her more than she loves him*, although they were both very much in love. And I do think their circumstances; their need for each other, were a large factor of that. Which isn't to say it wasn't Ka of course as all things serve Ka.

*I don't intend that last statement to be disparaging of Susannah's character. She could be pretty annoying but she was a great well rounded** character.

**Insert lady-lump 'twins' gag here. No, I honestly didn't mean it like that...