I think part of the reason I love Wolves of the Calla so much is the cover I have. Stupid and maybe kind of shallow, I know, but it's this one:


The painterly quality, bright colors, and especially the font used in the title word mark kind of informed my experience with the book as a whole. It's so much warmer and more adventurous looking than the other DT covers I have. It looks positive, fun, almost happy. I felt it was a great match for the DT twinner of The Magnificent Seven. I look at it and can practically hear the movie's theme song play in my head.

Favorite moments were pretty varied. I loved "Oy, Eld, Thankee," Callahan's meeting with Walter, Roland's commala dance, the speech in the beginning where Tian convinces the town to appeal to the gunslingers, and the image of a trail of wagons spiriting the children off to hiding on the morning of the Wolves. My favorite of all is probably right at the end, when Roland jumps out from ambush and realizes there's no pain whatsoever in his hip. His gunslinger battle cry gives me chills very time, even though it's slightly rearranged each time he uses it. I think WotC version is my favorite, too:
Roland began counting to twenty, but when he got to nineteen decided he'd counted enough. He gathered his legs beneath him—there was no dry twist now, not so much as a twinge—and then pistoned upward with his father's gun held high in his hand.

"For Gilead and the Calla!" he roared. "Now, gunslingers! Now, you Sisters of Oriza! Now, now! Kill them! No quarter! Kill them all!"
By that point I really hated the Wolves and couldn't wait for them to be swept unprepared into the ka-tet's whirlwind of destruction, so the battle cry struck a perfect chord with me. The no quarter, kill them all is what always gets me. It's so righteously brutal.

Also really like the description of Ben Slightman Sr. picking up his son's disembodied arm and kissing the palm. I think I'd have say that's among both the most touching and most savage mental images in the whole Dark Tower series.