I agree with Letti and Rain. Cort and Vannay worked with that they had, and I have a strong inkling that Roland was as emotionally detached as a pre-adolescent as he was during his young adulthood/adulthood. Also, do you think that Roland would have survived the onslaught at Tull if Cort had ruffled his hair and put a band-aid every time he had a booboo ? He wasn't training bureaucrats or politicians, he was training knights meant to survive in the most dire of circumstances, able to overcome the most extreme contingencies. Cort did what was necessary to ensure that they would adapt and adapt well to any situation. Plus, Roland himself named Cort his lifes greatest teacher, that's got to count for something right ?

Typing this has made me realize that I wish we had known a great deal more about both Cort and Vannay, especially the latter.