1. Badass - Ben Thompson - 12/31-1/5
2. A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never do Again - David Foster Wallace - 1/5-1/8
3. Battle Royale - Koushun Takami - 1/8-1/11
4. High Fidelity - Nick Hornby - nook - 1/11-1/20
5.Nazi Literature in the Americas - Roberto Bolano - 1/20-2/7
6. Franny and Zooey - J.D. Salinger - nook - 2/7-2/27
7. The Tao of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff - 2/27-3/1
8. The Te of Piglet - Benjamin Hoff - 3/1-3/8
9. Roberto Bolano: The Last Interview - Roberto Bolano - 3/8-3/9
10.Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters & Seymour: An Introduction - Salinger - 3/9-4/4
11. The Sunset Limited - Cormac McCarthey - nook - 4/4-4/8
12. The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon - nook - 4/8-4/18
13. The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien - nook - 4/18-5/17
14. M - Jon J Muth - 5/17-5/20
15. Travels with Charlie - John Steinbeck -5/20-5/29
16. On the Road - Jack Kerouac - 5/29-6/13
17. ALthough of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace - David Lipsky - 6/13-7/3
18. Reality Hunger - David Shields - 7/3-7/5
19. The Invention of Morel - Adolfo Bioy Casares - 7/5-7/11
20. The Best American Non required Reading 2006 - ed. Dave Eggers - 7/11-7/21
21. Noir - Robert Coover - 7/21-7/26
22. Blockade Billy - Stephen King - 7/26-7/28
23. The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer - "Ellen Rimbauer" - 7/28-8/2
24. The Journals of Eleanor Druse - "Eleanor Druse" - 8/2-8/6
25. The Ruins - Scott Smith - 8/6-8/9
26. Treasure Island - Robert Luis Stevenson -8/9-8/14
27. Timeline - Michael Crichton - 8/14-8/20
28. Laika - Nick Abadzis - 8/20-8/21
29. Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes - 8/21-8/22
30. The Curious incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon - 8/22-8/24
31. Nine Stories - J. D. Saligner - 8/24-8/27
32. Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes - 8/27-9/9
33. Generation X - Douglas Coupland - 9/9-9/11
34. UR - Stephen King - *nook* - 9/11-9/13
35. A People's History of the United STates - Howard Zinn - 9/13-9/18
36. Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami - 9/18-9/25
37. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Jonathan Safran Foer - 9/25-10/2
38. Children of the Alley - Naguib Mahfouz - 10/2-10/13
39. Cosmopolis - Don DeLillo - 10/13-10/15
40. Richard Yates - Tao Lin - 10/15-10/17
41. Desert Solitaire - Edward Abbey - 10/17-10/29
42. Stories - ed. Neild Gaiman - nook - 10/29-11/7
43. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald - 11/7-11/11
44, Full Dark, No Stars - Stephen King - 11/11-11/14
45. Horns - Joe Hill - nook - 11/14-11/20
46. Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett - 11/20-11/21
47. The Lieutenant of Inishmore - Martin McDonagh - 11/21-11/22
48. Selected Non-Fictions - Jorge Luis Borges -11/22-12/4
49. Selected Poems - Jorge Luis Borges - 12/4-12/6
50. It's Kind of a Funny Story - Ned Vizzini - 12/6-12/12
51. Brief Interviews with Hideous Men - David Foster Wallace - 12/12-12/17
52. The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway -12/17-

For School
1. Beowulf - Beowuld Poet
2. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Gawain Poet
3. Wife of Bath's Tale (Canterbury Tales) - Chaucer
4. Six Myths of Our Time - Marina Warner
5. The Second Shepherd's Play - Wakefield Master
6. The Book of Margery Kempe - Margery Kempe
7. Assorted sonnets of Wyatt and SUrrey
8. Astrophil and Stella - Sidney
9. The Defence of Poesy - Sidney
10. Assorted sonnets of Shakespeare
11. Speeches and Poetry of Queen Elizabeth I
12. The Fairie Queene - Spencer
13. Dr. Faustus - Marlowe
14. Sonnets - Donne
15. Sonnets - Marvell
16. Sonnets - Herrick
17. Paradise Lost - John Milton
18. Oroonoko - Behn
19. The Way of the World - Congreve
20. The Rape of the Lock - Pope
21. An Essay on Criticism - Pope
22. A Modest Proposal - Swift
23. Poems - Thomas Gray
--------------------------Current Semester--------------------
24. Midaq Alley - Naguib Mahfouz - finished
25. Jazz - Toni Morrison - finished
26. The Cheapest Nights - Yusif Idris - finished
27. No-No Boy - John Okada - finished
28. Apples in the Desert - Savyon Liebrecht - finished
29. Ulysses - James Joyce - finished
30. The Hiawatha - David Treuer - finished
31. The Mysteries of Pittsburgh - Michael Chabon - finished
32. Persepolis - Marjane Satrapi - finished
33. The House on Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros - finished
34. American Education in the 20th Century - Marvin Lazerson - finished
35. Snow - Orhan Pamuk - finished

Comics Read on top of Books
1. Complete Stray Bullets
2. Red Son
3. Best American Comics 2006
4. Scott Pilgrim Vol 1-6
5. Wanted
6. Marvel 1985
7. Kickass
8. Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
9. Marvel Civil War
10. Runaways
11. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol 1-4
12. Wilson
13. Y the Last Man