FFX kicked ass. 9 was the only shitty one. 8 is my all time fav. though. I didn't understand the thought process behind FF9.
"people are sick of all the great graphics"
"So...we should make our games shitty?"
"...erm.maybe..less, umm..ermm..Spaceships?"
"yes, and then a dude with a tail"
"A stupid story about space monkeys with tails and a guy that looks like a Goth Mysterio?"
"perfect...does anyone here still know how to make SNES graphics?"

A year later they came to realize people only think they want shit, but will act suprised and dissapointed if given what they had asked them for ever since 7 came out.

My first email addy/SN was FFX based, it was "GhostofAuron" and my little nerd heart about exploded with how awesome the name was.