Quote Originally Posted by soapmaker19 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Brainslinger View Post
I always thought it was a bit dodgy when Calahan chose to have some graf whilst telling his story. Being a recovering alcoholic and all.
Pretty sure that was just regular cider, not graf. I'll have to check. If you're right that's an even more glaring discrepancy than the boots.
Possibly. My point really was that he is a recovering alcoholic and cider (be it graf or not) is alcoholic. Of course it might be possible that certain drinks are less, erm, moreish for alcoholics, kind of like how drug addicts become addicted to a specific type of drug. I don't think it's the case with drinks though as the drug is the same in all of them; alcohol.

Anyhow not a big deal. Seems ages ago that I made that post. Curiously, I was just thinking again about the boots/clothing discrepancy the other day too. I know King tends to write his books in the same order in which we read them with little in way of plot design before hand. I wonder if at the point he wrote about the boots he had a different idea of the details of Callahan's translocation* between worlds and the boots were missed in the edit.

*My browser spellchecker complains at the spelling of this word without providing an alternate (except other words). I'm sure 'translocation' is a word right? If not, I'm sure you know what I mean.