Quote Originally Posted by CRinVA View Post
I'm with Brice. I do not compare the cinematic versions to the books more than casually. I watch the movie versions and base my judgement on their merit alone. Some are OK, some Good, some Great. I don't understand why some people seem to make it a mission in life to bash every adaptation that doesn't strictly follow the book. I do not know of a single movie that totally follows the written word it's based on. Just not possible IMHO of course. :-)

So no vote for me! :-)
The Langoliers follows the book nearly word for word.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, is Hearts In Atlantis IMO. While it followed the basic premise of the book, the title of the movie made no sense to the average non-SK fan since it actually came from the second story in the book.

Plus they completely took out all the DT-related stuff so you never really knew exactly who the the men in the yellow coats were or why they were chasing after Ted. I can kinda understand why they did it that way, but I don't like it. I don't like the fact that they were basically humans either.