Quote Originally Posted by Ricky View Post
Another shocking moment was when Roland dropped the F-bomb when talking to Blaine. Once he said that, my jaw dropped.
ah, that! that's my favorite moment ever - and the whole Roland monologue - that and the scene that followed! I didn't mention it in my post among the three favorable moments because due to some flaw in my perception I can never place the whole Blaine episode in either Waste Lands or W&G... which is the idiotic reason why I never mention this brilliant scene whenever a specific volume is discussed

::stupid bear::

"I cannot call you a sucker of cocks, for instance, because you have no mouth and no cock. I cannot say you are viler than the vilest beggar who ever crawled the gutters of the lowest street in creation, because even such a creature is better than you; you have no knees on which to crawl, and would not fall upon them even if you did, for you have no conception of such a human flaw as mercy.
I cannot even say you fucked your mother, because you had none."

oh man, what can be better than that!

well, maybe only this:

Roland's eyes blazed with such wild blue fire that Eddie shrank away from him. Dimly, he heard Jake and Susannah gasp.
"Kill if you will, but command me nothing!" the gunslinger roared.