Quote Originally Posted by VolsToTheWall View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Erin View Post
Yea now I actually understand it. They have that exact picture in the back of the hardback book #2. That's what's so awesome about the hardcovers, they have about 10 or so colored drawings at the back which are really neat.
The hardcovers collect the actual individual issue covers which are indeed very cool.

Quote Originally Posted by David
I have a feeling that Lori isn't going to survive childbirth, being that Carl was born from cecarian (sp?). There likely going to have to cut her open, and at this point, I don't think that Alice has the knowhow if they can't deliver naturally.
That's a good point David.
I remember thinking the same thing, that if Carl had to be birthed via Cesarean Section, that Lori was gonna be up shit's creek with a turd for a paddle when the new baby comes a knocking. I think that the crew will win out against the Woodbury assault and manage to hold the prison and then have a happy moment, and then to balance it out, Lori may reach the clearing at the end of her path.
How messed up would it be for Rick to have to raise a baby on his own concieved by his wife and Shane. Seems par for the course for Kirkman's writing style within this story.

According to Kirkman, issue #40 is almost finished and that Image is going to be releasing these through #42 rather rapidly. God knows, it's been nearly 2 months since issue #37.

Hurry up, next Wednesday!