Quote Originally Posted by WillDearbornThatWas View Post
Hi, first post!

I've had a week or so since finishing the series for the second time (so I was mentally prepared for it). I guess I'm OK with the Powers That Be teaching Roland a lesson with the loop thing. The thing which bugs me slightly is it seems to undo the saving of the Beams. If he goes through the loop multiple times, what if he fails to save the beams at one point?! Is that just it? Game over.

I guess I can imagine that Ka would steer things to prevent that from happening, it just seems a bit risky!
I can't see it being the same story again, especially with the keystone world, time only goes one way. So no saving Stephen King again, that will have come and gone, not even sure how the story makes sense as the keystone world should have kept going so he would never meet Stephen King as he would not need to sae him again. And then with the keystone world, starting up the Tet Corporation, that will have happened already, would they have a confused look on their faces if he went back and they all knew him and maybe even had a picture with him on the wall. Susan is the only one I think might have been from the keystone world as her Uncle was there and she had been missing, if she was just some multiverse version of the true Susan what are the chances the original is missing as well? Eddie and Jake. if memory serves me would not be from keystone earth, for sure Jake as he has died already a few times there.