Mike Flanagan is continuing his long-standing relationship with Stephen King with his upcoming Dark Tower adaptation — a project that’s been in the works for years by this point, after the relative failure of the 2017 movie version starring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey. While there’s no hard news as yet about where (or when) the new television series will land, Flanagan had a tidbit of information for fans at Emerald City Comic Con 2024 — and Kate Siegel had a little bit of a tease of her own to drop, as well.

Flanagan was asked if there was one particular scene in the beloved fantasy series that he can’t wait to bring to the screen, and he shared that he was. Warning the audience that he was working very, very hard to avoid spoilers, he said, “Very late in the story, there’s a scene that takes place in a forest where a character is being buried. And there’s a eulogy being given that made me cry the first time that I read it.” So much so, in fact, that he talked about his copy of the book being tear-stained because of the scene. “That one speech just kills me, and I can’t wait for that.”

We’re also very aware about spoilers, but if you’re not, you can read the eulogy right here. We’re not responsible for your screens becoming tear-stained, I hasten to add.

Siegel, meanwhile, was asked if there was a particular role in The Dark Tower that she could see herself playing, and the answer was… well, “more than one.”

“I would like to play lots and lots and lots of different people in the Tower,” the woman who was Theo Crain told the crowd. “I would like to be the voice of the train [Blaine the Mono], I’d like to be Shardik the Bear! Lots of people.”

I’d say that someone should tell the people responsible for the adaptation that Siegel’s up for it — but I think they might know already.