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Thread: The Great Movie Tournament - Nominations Thread: 1950s

  1. #1
    Oz the Gweat and Tewwible mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae's Avatar

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    Default The Great Movie Tournament - Nominations Thread: 1950s

    And here we go!

    This is the nominations thread for the seventh portion of The Great Movie Tournament (seventh of ten) where we'll nominate and second our favorite movies for the decade of the 1950s (from 1950 to 1959). For our purposes, an eligible film must be a feature narrative film (no short films or documentaries) and its first release date must be between January 1, 1950 and December 31, 1959 according to IMDb (sometimes films will premiere at festivals one year but have a wide release the following year; we'll use the IMDb and Wikipedia convention of the year of initial exhibition).

    Participation is very much encouraged and extremely welcomed, but please do follow these guidelines for this nomination process (subject to adjustment):
    • You can nominate one film per post, and you can nominate another film after one other member has made their nomination.
    • You can second one film per post, and you can second another film after one other member has made their second.
    • If possible, please include a trailer and/or a scene from the film using Spoiler tags (this version and delete the s in https for YouTube links when embedding a video, making sure to use the full URL from the address bar, not the sharing link).
    • Nominations can also be optionally accompanied by year of release and director.

    Once 160 nominated films have been seconded, the tournament will begin, following the structure shown below (an overall event overview thread is posted with links to all the polls so members can easily navigate during the tournament). Each poll will be open for 7 days and any tiebreaker polls will be open for 4 days.
    • Round 1: 32 groups of 5 titles - top 4 move on
    • Round 2: 32 groups of 4 titles - top 2 move on
    • Round 3: 16 groups of 4 titles - top 2 move on
    • Round 4: 16 groups of 2 titles - top 1 moves on
    • Octofinals: 8 groups of 2 titles - top 1 moves on
    • Quarterfinals: 4 groups of 2 titles - top 1 moves on
    • Semifinals: 2 groups of 2 titles - top 1 moves on
    • Final: 1 group of 2 titles - top 1 is the winner

    This post will be updated with the list of nominated and seconded titles as they come in. You can also keep up to date with this handy Google Sheet.

    Enjoy and have fun!

    List of seconded films:
    1. East of Eden (1955), dir. Elia Kazan
    2. 12 Angry Men (1957), dir. Sidney Lumet
    3. Strangers on a Train (1951), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    4. Vertigo (1958), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    5. On the Waterfront (1954), dir. Elia Kazan
    6. All About Eve (1950), dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
    7. Seven Samurai (1954), dir. Akira Kurosawa
    8. Rashomon (1950), dir. Akira Kurosawa
    9. Giant (1956), dir. George Stevens
    10. The Night of the Hunter (1955), dir. Charles Laughton
    11. Sunset Boulevard (1950), dir. Billy Wilder
    12. Some Like It Hot (1959), dir. Billy Wilder
    13. Rear Window (1954), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    14. Singin' in the Rain (1952), dir. Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly
    15. Rebel Without a Cause (1955), dir. Nicholas Ray
    16. Ugetsu (1953), dir. Kenji Mizoguchi
    17. Alice in Wonderland (1951), dir. Hamilton Luske, Wilfred Jackson, and Clyde Geronimi
    18. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), dir. Robert Wise
    19. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), dir. Elia Kazan
    20. Paths of Glory (1957), dir. Stanley Kubrick
    21. Stalag 17 (1953), dir. Billy Wilder
    22. The Seventh Seal (1957), dir. Ingmar Bergman
    23. Ikiru (1952), dir. Akira Kurosawa
    24. North by Northwest (1959), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    25. Dial M for Murder (1954), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    26. Tokyo Story (1953), dir. Yasujirō Ozu
    27. Touch of Evil (1958), dir. Orson Welles
    28. Forbidden Planet (1956), dir. Fred M. Wilcox
    29. Cinderella (1950), dir. Hamilton Luske, Wilfred Jackson, and Clyde Geronimi
    30. La Strada (1954), dir. Federico Fellini
    31. Calamity Jane (1953), dir. David Butler
    32. Ace in the Hole (1951), dir. Billy Wilder
    33. The Wrong Man (1956), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    34. Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954), dir. Jack Arnold
    35. Rififi (1955), dir. Jules Dassin
    36. The Searchers (1956), dir. John Ford
    37. Forbidden Games (1952), dir. René Clément
    38. Ben-Hur (1959), dir. William Wyler
    39. To Catch a Thief (1955), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    40. Throne of Blood (1957), dir. Akira Kurosawa
    41. The Fly (1958), dir. Kurt Neumann
    42. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), dir. Don Siegel
    43. The Hidden Fortress (1958), dir. Akira Kurosawa
    44. The Big Heat (1953), dir. Fritz Lang
    45. The 400 Blows (1959), dir. François Truffaut
    46. Godzilla (1954), dir. Ishirō Honda
    47. The Trouble with Harry (1955), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    48. Winchester '73 (1950), dir. Anthony Mann
    49. The Killing (1956), dir. Stanley Kubrick
    50. Elevator to the Gallows (1958), dir. Louis Malle
    51. From Here to Eternity (1953), dir. Fred Zinnemann
    52. Roman Holiday (1953), dir. William Wyler
    53. Anatomy of a Murder (1959), dir. Otto Preminger
    54. Sabrina (1954), dir. Billy Wilder
    55. Ordet (1955), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
    56. High Noon (1952), dir. Fred Zinnemann
    57. Pickpocket (1959), dir. Robert Bresson
    58. Night and the City (1950), dir. Jules Dassin
    59. The Wages of Fear (1953), dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot
    60. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957), dir. Jack Arnold
    61. Wild Strawberries (1957), dir. Ingmar Bergman
    62. The Thing from Another World (1951), dir. Christian Nyby
    63. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    64. Diabolique (1955), dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot
    65. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), dir. Howard Hawks
    66. The African Queen (1951), dir. John Huston
    67. The Asphalt Jungle (1950), dir. John Huston
    68. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), dir. David Lean
    69. Rio Bravo (1959), dir. Howard Hawks
    70. A Man Escaped (1956), dir. Robert Bresson
    71. Nights of Cabiria (1957), dir. Federico Fellini
    72. Sweet Smell of Success (1957), dir. Alexander Mackendrick
    73. Shane (1953), dir. George Stevens
    74. A Place in the Sun (1951), dir. George Stevens
    75. Bad Day at Black Rock (1955), dir. John Sturges
    76. An American in Paris (1951), dir. Vincente Minnelli
    77. Stage Fright (1950), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
    78. The Bad Seed (1956), dir. Mervyn LeRoy
    79. Floating Weeds (1959), dir. Yasujirō Ozu
    80. Them! (1954), dir. Gordon Douglas
    81. Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959), dir. Alain Resnais
    82. House of Wax (1953), dir. André De Toth
    83. The Bad and the Beautiful (1952), dir. Vincent Minnelli
    84. A Star Is Born (1954), dir. George Cukor
    85. Lady and the Tramp (1955), dir. Hamilton Luske, Wilfred Jackson, and Clyde Geronimi
    86. The Defiant Ones (1958), dir. Stanley Kramer
    87. Plan 9 from Outer Space (1957), dir. Ed Wood
    88. Blackboard Jungle (1955), dir. Richard Brooks
    89. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), dir. Richard Brooks
    90. Glen or Glenda (1953), dir. Ed Wood
    91. A Face in the Crowd (1957), dir. Elia Kazan
    92. The Cranes Are Flying (1957), dir. Mikhail Kalatozov
    93. Witness for the Prosecution (1957), dir. Billy Wilder
    94. Johnny Guitar (1954), dir. Nicholas Ray
    95. The King and I (1956), dir. Walter Lang
    96. An Affair to Remember (1957), dir. Leo McCarey
    97. The War of the Worlds (1953), dir. Byron Haskin
    98. Quo Vadis (1951), dir. Mervyn LeRoy
    99. The Ten Commandments (1956), dir. Cecil B. DeMille
    100. Harvey (1950), dir. Henry Koster
    101. Funny Face (1957), dir. Stanley Donen
    102. King Creole (1958), dir. Michael Curtiz
    103. Dracula (1958), dir. Terence Fisher
    104. Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956), dir. Robert Wise
    105. The River (1951), dir. Jean Renoir
    106. Marty (1955), dir. Delbert Mann
    107. The Caine Mutiny (1954), dir. Edward Dmytryk
    108. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), dir. Richard Fleischer
    109. In a Lonely Place (1950), dir. Nicholas Ray
    110. A Night to Remember (1958), dir. Roy Ward Baker
    111. The Tingler (1959), dir. William Castle
    112. The Breaking Point (1950), dir. Michael Curtiz
    113. The Seven Year Itch (1955), dir. Billy Wilder
    114. The Blob (1958), dir. Irvin Yeaworth
    115. House on Haunted Hill (1959), dir. William Castle
    116. The Earrings of Madame de… (1953), dir. Max Ophüls
    117. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), dir. Stanley Donen
    118. Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959), dir. Henry Levin
    119. Niagara (1953), dir. Henry Hathaway
    120. King Solomon's Mines (1950), dir. Andrew Marton and Compton Bennett
    121. Tea and Sympathy (1956), dir. Vincente Minnelli
    122. Houseboat (1958), dir. Melville Shavelson
    123. On the Beach (1959), dir. Stanley Kramer
    124. Limelight (1952), dir. Charlie Chaplin
    125. Imitation of Life (1959), dir. Douglas Sirk
    126. Monsieur Hulot's Holiday (1953), dir. Jacques Tati
    127. Run Silent, Run Deep (1958), dir. Robert Wise
    128. A Summer Place (1959), dir. Delmer Daves
    129. Bell, Book and Candle (1958), dir. Richard Quine
    130. The Red Badge of Courage (1951), dir. John Huston
    131. Bus Stop (1956), dir. Joshua Logan
    132. The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958), dir. Nathan H. Juran
    133. Diary of a Country Priest (1951), dir. Robert Bresson
    134. A Christmas Carol (1951), dir. Brian Desmond Hurst
    135. How to Marry a Millionaire (1953), dir. Jean Negulesco
    136. The Quiet Man (1952), dir. John Ford
    137. Suddenly, Last Summer (1959), dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
    138. I Want to Live! (1958), dir. Robert Wise
    139. Written on the Wind (1956), dir. Douglas Sirk
    140. The Robe (1953), dir. Henry Koster
    141. Gigi (1958), dir. Vincente Minnelli
    142. Pather Panchali (1955), dir. Satyajit Ray
    143. Peter Pan (1953), dir. Hamilton Luske, Wilfred Jackson, and Clyde Geronimi
    144. All That Heaven Allows (1955), dir. Douglas Sirk
    145. Kiss Me Deadly (1955), dir. Robert Aldrich
    146. Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1953), dir. Charles Lamont
    147. Umberto D. (1952), dir. Vittorio De Sica
    148. Sleeping Beauty (1959), dir. Clyde Geronimi, Eric Larson, Wolfgang Reitherman, and Les Clark
    149. Old Yeller (1957), dir. Robert Stevenson
    150. The Three Faces of Eve (1957), dir. Nunnally Johnson
    151. South Pacific (1958), dir. Joshua Logan
    152. White Christmas (1954), dir. Michael Curtiz
    153. Orpheus (1950), dir. Jean Cocteau
    154. Gidget (1959), dir. Paul Wendkos
    155. The Diary of Anne Frank (1959), dir. George Stevens
    156. Gun Crazy (1950), dir. Joseph H. Lewis
    157. The Life of Oharu (1952), dir. Kenji Mizoguchi
    158. Pillow Talk (1959), dir. Michael Gordon
    159. Oklahoma! (1955), dir. Fred Zinnemann
    160. Sansho the Bailiff (1954), dir. Kenji Mizoguchi

    List of films not seconded:
    1. Caged (1950), dir. John Cromwell
    2. Olivia (1951), dir. Jacqueline Audry
    3. Born Yesterday (1950), dir. George Cukor
    4. The Long, Long Trailer (1954), dir. Vincente Minnelli
    5. Scaramouche (1952), dir. George Sidney
    6. The Bridge (1959), dir. Bernhard Wicki
    7. Outrage (1950), dir. Ida Lupino
    8. The Band Wagon (1953), dir. Vincente Minnelli
    9. Summer Stock (1950), dir. Charles Walters
    10. Patterns (1956), dir. Fielder Cook
    11. Touchez Pas au Grisbi (1954), dir. Jacques Becker
    12. The Lavender Hill Mob (1951), dir. Charles Crichton
    13. Los Olvidados (1950), dir. Luis Buñuel
    14. Dementia (1955), dir. John Parker
    15. Broken Arrow (1950), dir. Delmer Daves
    16. No Way Out (1950), dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
    17. Ashes and Diamonds (1958), dir. Andrzej Wajda
    18. Superman and the Mole Men (1951), dir. Lee Sholem
    19. The Nun's Story (1959), dir. Fred Zinnemann
    20. Never So Few (1959), dir. John Sturges
    21. Pickup on South Street (1953), dir. Samuel Fuller
    22. Stromboli (1950), dir. Roberto Rossellini
    23. The Mouse That Roared (1959), dir. Jack Arnold
    24. Baby Doll (1956), dir. Elia Kazan
    25. Julius Caesar (1953), dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
    26. Desk Set (1957), dir. Walter Lang
    27. The Prisoner of Zenda (1952), dir. Richard Thorpe
    28. Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957), dir. Frank Tashlin
    29. No Time for Sergeants (1958), dir. Mervyn LeRoy
    30. The Bigamist (1953), dir. Ida Lupino
    31. Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959), dir. Robert Stevenson
    32. Home Before Dark (1958), dir. Mervyn LeRoy
    33. I Vitelloni (1953), dir. Federico Fellini
    34. Sudden Fear (1952), dir. David Miller
    35. La Ronde (1950), dir. Max Ophüls
    36. People Will Talk (1951), dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
    37. Separate Tables (1958), dir. Delbert Mann
    38. Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950), dir. Otto Preminger
    39. The Tarnished Angels (1957), dir. Douglas Sirk
    40. Night of the Demon (1957), dir. Jacques Tourneur
    41. Ivan the Terrible, Part II (1958), dir. Sergei Eisenstein

  2. #2
    Oz the Gweat and Tewwible mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae's Avatar

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    I suppose I'll kick things off as usual with one of my faves:

    All About Eve (1950)
    Joseph L. Mankiewicz

    Watch trailer:

  3. #3
    Rebel Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19's Avatar

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    East of Eden - 1955
    Dir: Elia Kazan
    Only the gentle are ever really strong.

  4. #4
    Oz the Gweat and Tewwible mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heather19 View Post
    East of Eden - 1955
    Dir: Elia Kazan

  5. #5
    Gojo fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito seldom gets put on hold fernandito's Avatar

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    12 Angry Men
    Dir: Sidney Lumet

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    Oz the Gweat and Tewwible mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae's Avatar

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    Rashomon (1950)
    Akira Kurosawa

    Watch trailer:

  7. #7
    Honky Mahfah MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute MikeDuke has a reputation beyond repute

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    I second 12 Angry Men
    I nominate
    On The Water Front Elia Kazan 1954

  8. #8
    Not to go on all fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?. T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47's Avatar

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    Vertigo (1958)
    Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock


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    Strangers on a Train (1951)
    Alfred Hitchcock

    Watch trailer:

  10. #10
    Not to go on all fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?. T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by mae View Post
    Strangers on a Train (1951)
    Alfred Hitchcock

    Watch trailer:
    Seconded! Easy.

  11. #11
    Oz the Gweat and Tewwible mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae's Avatar

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    I'll second Vertigo.

  12. #12
    Rebel Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19's Avatar

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    I'll nominate:
    The Night of the Hunter - 1955
    Dir: Charles Laughton

    And I'll second On the Waterfront

    Quote Originally Posted by mae View Post
    Strangers on a Train (1951)
    Alfred Hitchcock

    Watch trailer:
    You beat me to it, this has always been one of my favorites of his
    Only the gentle are ever really strong.

  13. #13
    Oz the Gweat and Tewwible mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heather19 View Post
    You beat me to it, this has always been one of my favorites of his
    I know!

  14. #14
    Not to go on all fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?. T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47's Avatar

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    Seven Samurai (1954)
    Directed by: Akira Kurosawa

  15. #15
    Servant of Gan Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker has a brilliant future Lurker's Avatar

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    I'll second All About Eve. "Fasten your setbelts" is something I've heard since I can remember. Thanks Mom.

    I'll nominate one of my seen a hundred times movies - Giant (1956) Director: George Stevens
    Looking for FAB8 CD Number 439

  16. #16
    Oz the Gweat and Tewwible mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae's Avatar

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    I bet some of you saw this over the holidays:

    A Christmas Carol (1951)
    Brian Desmond Hurst

    Watch trailer:

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    Oz the Gweat and Tewwible mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae seldom gets put on hold mae's Avatar

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    And I'll second Seven Samurai.

  18. #18
    Not to go on all fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?. T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47's Avatar

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    Sunset Blvd (1950)
    Directed by: Billy Wilder

  19. #19
    Not to go on all fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?. T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47's Avatar

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    And I'll second Rashomon.

  20. #20
    Rebel Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19 has a reputation beyond repute Heather19's Avatar

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    I'll second Giant
    Only the gentle are ever really strong.

  21. #21
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    And I'll second The Night of the Hunter.

  22. #22
    Gunslinger Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy's Avatar

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    Second Sunset Boulevard and nominate The Bridge on the River Kwai.

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    Singin' in the Rain (1952)
    Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly

    Watch trailer:

  24. #24
    Not to go on all fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?. T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47 people like to rub elbows with me T-Dogz_AK47's Avatar

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    Jan 2014
    Noble's Isle
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    Rear Window (1954)
    Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock

  25. #25
    Gunslinger Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy seldom gets put on hold Tommy's Avatar

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    North by Northwest

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