Quote Originally Posted by Ricky View Post
Yeah, TV cuts into a lot of my movie time as well. There's just too much out there now.

Also, how was Judy? It looked good, in the way that The Iron Lady was a fantastic showcase for Meryl Streep, but not a mindblowing film altogether.

And Anna and the Apocalypse? I had it on my list for this Christmas but didn't get around to it.
Judy was solid. You're right though, it was mainly a platform for Renée Zellweger. I learned a lot about Judy Garland though. It's worth a rental for sure.

Anna and the Apocalypse was okay. I applaud them for doing something different. Killing zombies and then breaking into song is not something I've ever seen before. Some of the songs are actually really well done, but I thought it could have been infused with a little more Christmas stuff.