Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
Oh!!! WITH the most devout...it's almost as if I have to read EVERY word to properly communicate...but now my world is restored to balance.

I don't like wine...of any kind.
Balance is important.

Because of my eye condition, I tend to run into things. Certainly is funny for others sometimes. When I was I was a kid I got hit by a bus. Not as bad as it sounds. I was the last one off and dropped my book right in front of the bus when it started moving again, my sister's friend turns around and screams "STOP!" at the top of her lungs but I still got knocked the fuck down. Scary for me but every time that story gets brought up, people tend to laugh at the opener.

Hey maybe my life is like that quote for the Joker movie, used to think my life was a tragedy, now I realize it's a comedy. I need to learn how to get more fun out of life.

So here's a funny story of how I scared the shit out of my niece. She's terrified of clowns but was brave and went to see the first IT movie with her mom and brother. While they were gone, I sneaked into their house, right behind mine, and placed a single floating red balloon in her bedroom.
They come back from the movie and she's like oh that wasn't that scary at all. Five minutes later when they get home, we get the screaming phone call about the balloon, priceless!!