Quote Originally Posted by Bev Vincent View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Isamu Dyson View Post
During The Drawing of the Three, there is a moment when Roland is internally musing about how he once thought that (and I am heavily paraphrasing here) "the light of civilization seemed like it could not be extinguished". If not that, it was a VERY similar belief.

I would love to be able to faithfully reproduce the specific lines he mentions. So, if any of you folks could post the relevant passage I am thinking of, I would appreciate the effort.
Chapter 3, Section 8: They are as they are because they live in the light, the gunslinger thought suddenly. That light of civilization you were taught to adore above all other things. They live in a world which has not moved on.
Thank you, Bev Vincent. What you posted does jog the memory quite a bit. However, I could have sworn he stated more...something about how civilization - particularly in regards to Gilead itself - seemed indomitable.

Edit: I just remembered that there was mention of John Farson playing his part in the downfall as well. "Symptom", I think?

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Like a stubborn pebble deep in a pair of boots, a thought one cannot fully place will eventually be quite irritating .