I notice this a lot with video games. The first game is excellent but at the same time is limited in what it can do, the second game opens it right up after a successful debut and establishing a fanbase, then by the third one they forget what brought them there and either abandon or minimise what generated their fans in the first place. Bioshock managed to re-invent itself while still keeping true to the spirit of the first game, I just think this is missing in Dead Space 3. I know I've played the first two numerous times and you can make an argument I'm more desensitsed to this brand's horror now but at the same time that shouldn't really matter. I have nothing bad to say about the game play (except my smg almost always fires when I hit the LT instead of going into ADS mode and I waste ammo) because it's as smooth as it's ever played, the story is as good as the previous two games but the main reason I play these games is the anxiety that comes with them. It's just become two easy to predict when a big fight is coming etc from experience and I hope for the next installment they really change it up.