Go, Go Hobbit!
Prequels finally get a greenlight -- and a start date.
October 15, 2010

Peter Jackson's two-film take on The Hobbit has finally gotten a greenlight and now has an official start date.

The Wrap reports that the Lord of the Rings prequel project will begin production in February, as per "an individual close to the" films.

"In the final agreement this week, Jackson's deal was finalized and MGM and Warner Bros. agreed to give the project its greenlight," says the site. Sets have already been built in New Zealand and actors have been on hold for months.

Jackson, the man behind all three LOTR films, will direct in addition to producing and writing the two Hobbits.

Meanwhile, the labor issues surrounding the project continue. The New Zealand Herald reports that the decision on whether or not the production will happen in New Zealand is still at least a week away "and in the hands of Warner Bros. despite a 'useful and productive' meeting today between filmmakers and Actors Equity."

Stay tuned for more on this as soon as we hear it…