The explosion seemed ok, but the sustained rolling, cataclysmic wall of flame that burned up the entire town did not set well with me at all. At one point Cox estimates that the wall of flame would reach them in about 15 minutes. That is just preposterous. I really had trouble stomaching that part. Everyone had 10 -15 minutes to contemplate their death or escape. Complete crap. Also, as explosive as oxygen is, when Ollie was under the potatoes and they were cooking, I find it impossible to believe that an open oxygen source would not explode. also, following the explosion, a fire of this magnitude would have created a huge vacuum. This would have caused air to be pulled in through the dome all over, regardless of the actions of the fans. Although, this would not have mattered because everyone inside would have quickly died from the bends. With a rapidly decreasing pressure. The nitrogen in there blood would have bubbled out like a diver rising to fast to the surface and they would have all died from air emboli in a matter of moments.

As to Rennie's death, I would have liked to see a showdown and justice served. I hated Rennie more than almost any other Villian that I can think of. I wanted him to suffer. Although, I was not completely dissapointed with his end. I felt it reminiscent of A Tell-tale heart. Where, his guilt led to his demise. I admit, that was really the only part of the book where I got a spine-tingle.

Did anyone else think of the Tommyknockers at the end of this book? When he was describing the leatherheads, for some reason, I kept thinking it sounded alot like the tommyknockers.

Also, the symbol. As soon as I saw it, I pulled my copy of It and verified that it was the same. Then for the rest of the book I kept waiting for some explanation. That was almost the most exciting element of the book for me. I was anxiously turning every page hoping for a connection. Well.........I am still waiting. Unfortunately the book is finished.

All told, I really liked this book, I have enjoyed it more than anything that King has written in at least 15 years. I was a little dissappointed in the ending, and I was downright appalled at his lack of research on the physical concequences of the explosion. But, it was good. I think I agree with whoever posted before about preferring an end where everyone died. I think that would have been tough to swallow, but it would have had a stronger impact. As it was, I almost teared up a little when Aiden died, and at that point, I kinda wanted everyone else to die too. It would've been the right ending for me. And, I almost thought King was gonna do it. But I wasn't completely unhappy with how it ended.

I will read it again at some point.