This is kind of one of those things people talk about that categorizes two types of gamers: those who prefer single player and those who prefer multiplayer.

Me I lean more towards single player. I like the long campaigns, interractive story, and basically going at my own pace with it. Even if I play a campaign in multiplayer, I doubt any partners would sit around and wait for me to read the collectible journal entries and finish watching the entire cinematics. Although, when I go through a game one time, I don't have to do all that, so I prefer to at least play through like Resident Evil 5 or ODST by myself once, then I'll play with other people. And it's fine. Occasionally I like the multiplayer match games like capture the flag or deathmatches. Stayed up till the birds started chirping one time playing Counter Strike Source in college.

But... okay, here's the thing that gets me. There are people who get games who have never even played through the campaign. Not even in multiplayer mode. Just go straight to the matches.

I was playing Starcraft online in college (like ten years ago I think), and I was talking to the other players I was playing with like, "Yeah, I hope they come out with another game soon and go into the whole thing with Sarah Kerrigan."

And one guy was like, "Who the hell is Sarah Kerrigan?"

I was like, "Um... that's a character in the game. Like kind of the main nemesis to the humans..."

He was like, "Oh... never played the actual game."

How? How do you buy a game and never bother playing through the actual game? Anyone else know someone like this? Anyone else like this? I won't flame. I just don't really get it. Seems like a waste of money. People tore apart Wolfenstein because it was horrible multiplayer. I never cared because the game itself was addictive.

Then again there's the people who guy a game like Halo, that has a good campaign, but the Halo games are actually more popular for their multiplayer, and the customer never plays it. That's kind of a waste of money too.