Anyone watch the newest Fox show Fringe from the developers of Lost!

I'm hooked already!. There are Lost elements to include the transition music and the character that plays Abbadon on Lost is Special Agent Phillip Broyles of Homeland Security - and I do not think he is on the up and up!

Like Lost, Fringe starts with a plane crash but with deadlier consequences than Lost!

Like Lost there is an evil corporation - this time its Massive Dynamic headed by William Bell - whom we do not get to meet! Instead we see the Executive Director Nina Sharp who has a robotic arm/hand. The pilot ends with Nina ordering an employee to question Special Agent John Scott - but he has been dead for 5 hours!

The show has plenty of comic elements and already relationships are being drawn and in some cases drawn apart! Estranged wacko scientist and genius son! Agent Olivia Dunham played by newcomer Anna Torv and special agent John Scott who is not what he seems! Agent Dunham and Special Agent Broyles buttng heads! Jean the cow! "I don't speak Walter," "I also speak Farsi!" Spongebob Squarepants! The mid air suspended signs that tell you where the action is taking place! Great stuff!

This show is all about science that is not really science or science that is on the edge - paranormal stuff, non-aging, knowing stuff that you shouldn't know! And like Lost, plenty of unanswered questions! You gotta love it!!!

I already can't wait til next Tuesday!