I was thinking of something I did a long time ago. It was awful. It was callous. It was outright wicked. But damn if I don't count it as one of my greatest accomplishments.

Once...a long time ago...I slept with three women over the course of 12 hours. One of them was my girlfriend. The other was her nextdoor neighbor. The third was a friend of mine.

And if that isn't bad enough...

I get a sick kind of glee out of the fact that my girlfriend was white, her neighbor was black, and my friend was asian (I would imagine they still are)

I refer to this 12 hour period as my Neopolitan day or, if I'm feeling particularly punchy, I'll refer to it as the day that I did my damndest to further the cause of multiculturalism in America. I get more pleasure out of this than I do about sleeping with another girlfriend I had then sleeping with her mother the next week.

Yes...you can say it. I'm a pig. I'm a bastard. I'm a cad.

Anyone else? It doesn't have to be sexual, of course. Just something that you've done that, by society's standards is a bad thing but you're still damn proud of yourself for pulling it off.