Well thats my nickname for Takashi Miike anyways.
Takshi Miike is a very talented Asain filmmaker who produces acclaimed yet often controversial japanese films at an alarming rate. Hes directed something like 60 films since 1991!!!!)

His most famous films are Ichi The Killer:
Very fast paced, yet cartoonishly gory and violent (more than Kill Bill!) japanese mafia (Yakuza) tale that has all kinds of nice stuff like s and m, and all kinds of torture and surreal scenes (its not TOO gross because its cartoonish).

Audition is another well acclaimed one that has a wild ending (its easily available you should be able to find these two at your blockbuster)

The rest should be available on netflix

Gozu is another film and its less violent but more surreal like a David Lynch film. I highly reccomend this one.

He also has the Dead Or Alive series which is more yakuza stories. DOA1 sucks and i advise not to watch if you do just note the beginning scene and the last scene.

DOA 2 is a great film that has nothing to do with the 1st one.

DOA Final is a sci fi cyberpunk tale with the same 2 lead actors from the other 2 doa movies. (all three are available in a 3 pack on amazon)

Izo is just ok film

Happiness of the katakuris is a like a crazy japanese variety show almost. Its a story that has claymation, zombies, musical numbers, suicides, and all other kinds of goodies.

Sukiyaki Western Django (Neo western, and it stars quentin tarantino!)

I know im raving about Takashi Miike. But he really is a very original and creative and wild director. I reccomend to everyone on the board because i know you all are very open minded because you also read the coolest wildest book series on the planet!

Look up the titles on wikipedia.org or imdb.com for more info on the films.

Let me know what you all think of the films if you guys see them (or if you already have seen some of them).

Long days and pleasent nights my friends!