1. Duck Luck - Carl Barks
2. Skeleton Crew - Stephen King
3. Uncle Scrooge: The Diamond Jubilee Collection - Carl Barks (currently reading)
4. George R.R. Martin: Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
5. It - Stephen King
6. The Concrete Blonde (Harry Bosch novel) - Michael Connelly
7. The Liar - Steve Cavanagh
8. Misery - Stephen King
9. Hyperion - Dan Simmons
10. The Fall of Hyperion - Dan Simmons
11. The Tommyknockers - Stephen King
12. Endymion - Dan Simmons
13. The Dark Half - Stephen King
14. The Rise of Endymion - Dan Simmons
15. The Stand - uncut - Stephen King (currently re-reading)
