The 2018 Constant Reader Awards (CRAs) are coming to and end, with Round 3 polls opening each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from April 10 until April 26. Each poll will be open for 7 days and close automatically. In this face-off round, each book is measured up against another, with the winner receiving a score of 0.1 for each win in addition to its overall score previously generated in Rounds 1 and 2 (in the unlikely event of a tie the two books will split the score and get 0.05 each). The big winner will then be announced May 3!

Wave 1

Wave 1A: opened April 10
Wave 1B: opened April 11
Wave 1C: opened April 12
Wave 2

Wave 2A: opened April 17
Wave 2B: opened April 18
Wave 2C: opened April 19
Wave 3

Wave 3A: opened April 24
Wave 3B: opened April 25
Wave 3C: opened April 26
Overall Round 3 Standings
  1. It - 8.447619048 (94.92%) 9 for 9 ▲ 2
  2. The Green Mile - 8.289393939 (93.14%) 6 for 9 ▼ 1
  3. Different Seasons - 8.277122154 (93.00%) 7 for 9 ▼ 1
  4. The Stand - 8.210600255 (92.25%) 8 for 9 ▲ 1
  5. 11/22/63 - 7.873727422 (88.47%) 4 for 9 ▼ 1
  6. The Shining - 7.540953597 (84.73%) 3 for 9 ▲ 1
  7. Misery - 7.417135550 (83.34%) 1 for 9 ▼ 1
  8. The Drawing of the Three - 7.324430642 (82.30%) 4 for 9 ▲ 2
  9. 'Salem's Lot - 7.226666667 (81.20%) 2 for 9
  10. Pet Sematary - 7.132051282 (80.14%) 1 for 9 ▼ 2