Okay, even though I try to remain anonymous I'm just a big kid when it come to Christmas time. I won't be participating in this years "Secret Santa" since I have gotten a fair amount of flack in the past for my endeavors.

Nevertheless, I dare say I have been somewhat known for my generosity and good cheer this time of year and I pride my self on detecting that most sought after item by my designated recipient. I generally give "signed" volumes you would be looking to add to your collection, within reason.

So, this year I propose to conduct my own personal "Haven Fund Secret Santa Giveaway" to be conducted under much the same rules as the HF Grand Prize Giveaway. Just like the Grand Prize Giveaway entries into the drawing will be given for every $10 donation to the HF, sent by check to, Jerome (PP Merlin1958 ) up to ten entries. A drawing will be had immediately following Christmas Day (chosen by Ms. El Jefe) out of a hat and that person will receive at least one signed volume that they could use for their collection at my determination. It could be more depending on your needs, cost and availability.

Hopefully, El Jefe will sanction this effort and assist in the tabulation and administration. I'm in, are you?

Now, I may be called a lot of things (most of them probably deserved), but one thing I have never been called is cheap. When my "Secret Santa" is chosen I will go about detecting what item will have the most "WOW" factor, procure it and deliver it to that person. Don't bother telling/asking me what you want I want to play too. I'll scour your collection threads, maybe contact your wife or significant other, I'm pretty good I think and past year's should be sufficient evidence.

I LOVE Xmas and I LOVE the HF so I see it as a win/win and a Ho, Ho, Ho for everyone that participates!!!!! Basically, a $10 donation could get you a signed book by Stephen King!!!!

RF, if you prefer, donations can be sent to my PP address and ultimately forwarded to you as a single donation. Your call, but I think this may be a great way to augment our efforts for the coming year and the HF

I leave this open to, RF's approval and acceptance. What are your thoughts?

Quote Originally Posted by Randall Flagg
Send all funds to Bill. He can account for them, then forward the net receipts to me for the Fundraiser.