1. Dan Simmons - A Winter Haunting
2. Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club
3. Harlan Ellison - Ellison Under Glass
4. Matt Haig - The Midnight Library
5. Cormac McCarthy - All the Pretty Horses
6. Tim Powers - An Epitaph in Rust


7. Dennis Lehane - Moonlight Mile
8. S.E. Hinton - The Outsiders
9. Jeffrey Konvitz - The Sentinel
10. Laird Barron - Man With No Name
11. John MacDonald - The Executioners (Cape Fear)
12. Michael Punke - The Revenant
13. Robert Bloch - Flowers from the Moon and Other Lunacies


14. Karl Edward Wagner - Why Not You and I?
15. Ray Bradbury - Zen in the Art of Writing
16. Dan Simmons - Hardcase
17. Robert Bloch - This Crowded Earth


18. Emily St. John Mendel - Sea of Tranquility
19. Paul Stenning - Metallica: All That Matters
20. Chris Crocker - Metallica: The Frayed Ends of Metal
21. Benoit Clerc - Metallica: All the Songs
22. Madeleine L'Engle - A Wrinkle in Time


23. Aliette de Bodard - On a Red Station, Drifting
24. Kealan Patrick Burke - Ravenous Ghosts
25. Charles Beaumont. - Carnival and Other Stories
26. Roadside Picnic