Quote Originally Posted by TerribleT View Post
That's THE special effect that I had in mind when I made my comment about the effects being better in TNG. I thought that lizard was possibly the worst effect EVER. That's actually one of my least favorite episodes of the original series, and quite possibly the hokiest of all Star trek episodes.
But you can't compare special effects when there's a span of 18 years between the two. Of course the lizard was bad, as were the sets, the fights, and William Shatner. But that's what made it great. It was a cheesy show that knew it was pretty much a cheesy show and went whole hog, unabashed at it. People flocked to it. TNG on the other hand was bad for it's first three season AND took itself so seriously it was laughable. It was pure Trek dedication that kept that show afloat until the other factors stepped up and made it great.