nothing wrong with that i don't think. i think the gunslinger was the 1st book i read by King to be honest. like i said i had to fight like hell with my brother to read that. cause i wasn't allowed to read other books of his cause of the content. i bought the book "IT" in (1992) i still have the paperback but i read it soo much that the damn cover came off and it's the version with Tim Curry on the cover. that's my favorite "IT" cover and the original cover art as well. my point is i think getting that used was one i had to beg to read. and when i read that it took me a month to read!

i bring that up cause it was also i think one of the 1st books of his i read as well. another series i read in one summer i can't remember what year? was 'the witching hour' by Anne Rice' and that's such a great book i read that a couple times since than. more than a couple i think. i only bring that up cause the 1st book is over 1,000 pages just like "IT" is.